Youth Shelters

Youth shelters are homeless shelters specially targeted to offer assistance to homeless, runaway and in-crisis youth. Youth shelters typically provide shelter, address health, safety, education and workforce opportunities so these young people can eventually achieve independence.

We are an organization that restores the right of children and adolescents to live as a family in...
Fundacíon Casa de Fe was formed in 2005 in response to the need for a loving, nurturing environme...
We provide all basic needs to abandoned and at-risk children together with love and respect so th...
Hogar Valle Feliz was created at the initiative of the Bishop of Santo Domingo, Monsignor Emilio ...
The Shekinah Foundation is a government-approved non-profit NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) w...
The Inés Chambers Home founded in 1929 is a protection house that provides shelter to children wh...
Non-profit organization that runs a home for children and young people with very serious disabili...
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